翻譯資格考試試題每日一練《口譯高級》10.16 | ||||
香港實現平穩過渡,標志著鄧小平“一國兩制”構想的巨大成功,對澳門回歸和解決臺灣問題,實現祖國完全統一將起到積極的推動作用。香港自回歸祖國以來,保持了原有的社會、經濟制度不變,生活方式不變和法律基本不變,“一國兩制”、“港人治港”、高度自治的方針和香港特別行政區基本法得到全面貫徹執行。香港社會穩定,人心穩定,經濟保持穩健運行。 參考譯文: The smooth transition of power in Hong Kong is a great success attributable to Deng Xiaoping’s concept of “one country, two systems” and will facilitate the return of Macao to the motherland and the solution of the Taiwan issue, all with a view to achieving the complete reunification of the motherland. Since its return, Hong Kong’s previous socioeconomic system and way of life have remained unchanged and its laws have been kept basically unchanged. The policies of “one country, two systems”, and “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy, and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region have been implemented in an all-round way. Hong Kong now enjoys social stability, its residents have a sense of security and its economy is developing smoothly. | ||||
針對2013年翻譯資格考試備考,總有另考生束手無策的疑難問題。例如,對于想參加2013年翻譯資格考試的新考生來說,2013年翻譯資格報名條件、翻譯資格合格標準等考試信息,你是否想詳細咨詢一下?如果你有意向參加中大網校翻譯資格考試培訓,翻譯資格輔導班次優惠方案你是否想了解一下?在聽課過程中,如果你對某一個知識點有疑問等,諸如此類的問題和疑惑,你都可以通過翻譯資格考試你問我答平臺,發起你的疑問,屆時,中大網校翻譯資格培訓顧問及資深命題專家將在第一時間解答你的疑問。中大網校考試知道,總有人知道你問題的答案,詳情請查看>> | ||||