I think Chinese businesspeople tend to have business negotiations in a rather indirect manner, as opposed to the more direct style of American businesspeople, who are said to work with the “get-down-to-business-first” mentality. // The Chinese-type management encourages cooperation among employees, between the labor and the management, and gives employees a joy of participation and fulfillment, as well as a sense of pride in their work.// And most Chinese try to find the meaning of life through working in their jobs, and view work as essential for having membership in a community.// The American-type, or the top-down, management emphasizes efficiency, and competition among workers. The American work ethic seems to be more individual oriented. Traditionally, Americans work because it is the will of God, and often value the results and accomplishments of work more than its process.//
我認為中國人在商務談判時傾向于使用一種迂回婉轉的方式,而那些被認為在工作時具有一 種“公務為先”的心態的美國人則往往表現出較為直截了當的作風。// 中國式的管理方式鼓勵員工之間的合作,也鼓勵普通員工和管理人員之間的合作,使員工有一種喜悅的參與感和成就感,使他們對自己的工作產生一種自豪感。// 大多數中國人想從工作中找到生活的意義,他們將工作視為成為團體中一份子的必不可缺的條件。//美國式的自下而上的管理方式注重效率,注重員工之間的競爭。美國人的工作觀有較強的個體取向性。美國人一直認為,工作是秉承了上帝的意志,對工作成果的重視常常高于對工作過程的重視。//