bill for clearing 交換票據;結算票據
bill in a set 匯票聯票
bill of exchange 匯票
bill of lading [B/L] 提單
bill of sale [B/S] 賣據;動產抵押據
bill payable after sight 見票后付款匯票
bill payable on demand 憑票要求付款的匯票
bill purchased 出口押匯;買入票據
bill receivable 應收票據
Bills of Exchange Law 《票據法》
blank endorsement 空白背書;不記名背書
blanket insurance 總括保險;綜合保險;統保
blanket policy 總括保險單;統保單
block 交易單位〔證券〕;大宗股票;集團
block allocation 整體撥款;整筆撥款
block capital grant 整筆非經常補助金
block discount policy 折扣統保單
block grant 整筆補助金
block grant system 整筆補助金制度
block offer [securities] 整批發售〔證券〕
block vote 整體撥款
blue chip 藍籌股;優質股票
board lot 交易單位;上牌單位;“一手”
Board of Governors of the International Monetary Fund 國際貨幣基金組織理事會
Board of Governors of the World Bank 世界銀行理事會
Board of Hong Kong Futures Exchange Limited 香港期貨交易所有限公司董事局
Board of Inland Revenue 稅務委員會
Board of Review [inland revenue] 稅務上訴委員會
Board of Trade Clearing Corporation [Chicago] 交易所結算公司〔芝加哥〕
Board of Treasury 庫務管理委員會
board trading 上板式買賣
BOCI Capital Limited 中銀國際融資有限公司
body corporate 法團;法人團體
Bogor Declaration 《茂物宣言》
bogus transaction 虛假交易
bona fide mortgage 真正抵押
bona fide transaction 真正交易
bona vacantia 無主財物
bond 債券;擔保契據;擔保書;債權證明書
bond denominated in Hong Kong dollars 以港元為本位的債券;港元債券
bond fund 債券基金
bond rating 債券評級
bonded warehouse 保稅倉
bonus 花紅;紅利;獎金
bonus issue 紅股發行
bonus share 紅股
book 簿冊;帳簿
book and paper 簿冊及文據
book close date 截止過戶日期
book debt 帳面債項
book entry 帳面記錄
book loss 帳面虧損;帳面損失
book of account 帳簿
book profit 帳面利潤
book reserve 帳面儲備
book value 帳面價值
book-keeping transaction 帳面交易
boom year 經濟高度增長年;景氣年份
booming market 旺市;好市;景氣市場
boost 上揚
borrow 借入
borrowed fund 借入資金
borrowed stock 被借用證券
borrower 借用人;借款人;借方
borrowing 借款;借貸;舉債
borrowing and lending of stocks 借用及借出證券
borrowing power 借貸權;借款能力
borrowing upon stock 以公債形式借取款項
bottom out 見底回升;停瀉回升
bottom price 最低價;底價
bought and sold note 買賣單據
bought note 買貨單
braking effect 抑制效果
branch 部;分行;支行
branch registration certificate 分行登記證
branch registration fee 分行登記費