


發表時間:2014/4/5 9:37:30 來源:互聯網 點擊關注微信:關注中大網校微信

41.What is so special about WISE?

A.It is as small as a trashcan.

B.It is small in size but carries a large camera.

C.Its digital camera can help astronomers to see the unknown space.

D.Never before has a telescope carried a digital camera in space.

42.The camera on WISE ___________ .

A.is equipped with expensive computers

B.produces images of objects giving off infrared radiation

C.reflects light visible to the human eyes

D.is similar to an ordinary digital camera

43.It is true that infrared radiation ___________.

A.is not detectable to humans

B.looks brighter than visible light

C.is visible light reflected off an obj ect

D.has longer waves than those of visible light

44.Which of the following statements about asteroids is NOT true?

A.The WISE telescope can catch and take pictures of them.

B.They do not reflect light that reaches them.

C.They float through space giving off visible light.

D.They are invisible to ordinary cameras.

45.It can be in{erred from the last paragraph that brown dwarfs ___________ .

A.give off infrared radiation

B.are power stars like the sun

C.become massive and active

D.are invisible to the WISE telescope


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